Tummy Tuck In Ahmedabad

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Top Cosmetic Clinic In Ahmedabad

Tummy Tuck In Ahmedabad

Get Affordable Treatment By Award Winning Doctors

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    Trusted By 10,000+ Patients

    Tummy Tuck at a glance

    Procedure Time

    2-4 Hours


    General Anesthesia


    4-6 weeks

    Duration of Results


    Patient Satisfaction

    More than 95%

    Before and After

    *Results and benefits can vary and are different for each individual. As such The Aesthetica cannot guarantee specific results.

    Tummy Tuck

    tummy Tuck At The Aesthetica

    Cosmetic Treatment Is An Art

    Cosmetic treatment can be defined as a great effort to create artistic value, in the sense that it strives to seek beauty and make you look and feel younger.

    State of the Art Equipment

    We use only the best in class equipment to deliver stellar results. Modalities are selected based on clients concern and expectations

    Safety with Privacy

    Client’s safety is of paramount importance to Aesthetica and so we only use FDA approved machines, anaesthesia and highly sterile environment.


    From client’s first visit to their follow-ups all of the processes are transparent.

    Meet Our Team

    Dr. Ashit Shah

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

    Dr. Ashit Shah

    Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

    Dr. Hema Shah

    Female Rejuvenation Surgeon

    Dr. Hema Shah

    Female Rejuvenation Surgeon

    Take the first step towards realising your dream shape by connecting with our Doctor !

    Frequently Asked Questions

    You may opt for a tummy tuck procedure after 6-12 months of normal delivery or c-section. For more information on a tummy tuck, you may contact The Aesthetica.

    You may try to:

    • Reduce your weight and achieve average weight before surgery
    • Do not smoke and drink at least two weeks before surgery.
    • Quit aspirin and blood-thinning medications before surgery. You may quit these drugs at least seven days before tummy tuck.
    • You need blood and physical fitness tests before tummy tuck.

    It is vital to consider the cost before undergoing the surgery. If you want to know the tummy tuck surgery cost in Ahmedabad, you may contact The Aesthetica.

    You may see an improvement in stretch marks after the surgery. The stretch marks above the navel will become less noticeable after a tummy tuck. Likewise, the procedure removes the stretch marks below the navel. If you must undergo tummy tuck surgery in Ahmedabad, you may visit The Aesthetica.

    The procedure improves the pubic area. Usually, liposuction is done from the pubic region, and the skin of mons pubis is tightened.

    As tummy tuck helps in muscle repair, it can fix the divarication of the recti.

    The results may vary, but some patients have seen a 12-14 inches reduction in their waist circumference.

    The scar will fade in 6-12 months; however, you may require laser surgery for scar removal. Moreover, you may need scar revision surgery for the best results. These surgeries may increase the overall treatment costs.

    To know the tummy tuck surgery cost in Ahmedabad, call or visit The Aesthetica.

    Tummy tuck surgeries have different categories, and each type has different time requirements. For example, if you undergo a mini tummy tuck, it may get over in 1.5-2 hours. Likewise, a full tummy tuck requires 3-4 hours. In contrast, extended tummy tuck takes 5-7 hours.

    Pain can be controlled by taking pain medications. Moreover, your doctor will suggest after-care tips for pain management. So it is crucial to choose the right surgeon for your treatment.

    You may contact The Aesthetica to undergo tummy tuck surgery in Ahmedabad.

    You will require pressure garments for 4-6 weeks post-surgery. However, the timeline may change based on your health and how well you are recovering.

    There are different timelines for a full recovery. For example:

    • If you have undergone a mini tummy tuck, you will be at ease after 3-4 days.
    • If you have undergone a full tummy tuck, you will feel comfortable after 5-7 days.
    • If you have an extended tummy tuck, you will get relief after 7-10 days.

    You can completely heal in 4-6 weeks after the surgery.

    As a resident of Ahmedabad, if you must undergo the treatment, you may contact The Aesthetica for a tummy tuck in Ahmedabad.

    It depends on the work you do. For example, if you are involved in table work, you can return to your professional commitments in 4-10 days.
    You may wait for 2-4 weeks before having sex.

    You may wait for 2-4 weeks before starting driving. Make sure to talk to your surgeon about it.

    Your body’s anatomy changes due to weight fluctuations, childbirth, and natural ageing. As a result, excess skin and fat accumulate in the abdominal region. These fatty pockets may not respond to diet and exercise. In such cases, abdominoplasty may show effective results. It sculpts the waistline and smoothes the stomach. Moreover, it repairs weak abdominal muscles. You may consider these things before getting a tummy tuck.

    • It requires significant downtime.
      You may require a few weeks to recover and heal after a tummy tuck. Your surgeon will make a large incision, running from hip to hip. You must wait for at least two weeks to recover entirely after the procedure. After the surgery, you will feel tired, sore, and swollen. Therefore, it is vital to take proper rest for better recovery.
    • You must have a stable weight before tummy tuck.
      Abdominoplasty effectively sculpts your figure and shapes the body. However, it would be beneficial if you remained at a stable weight before the procedure. Therefore, you must maintain your ideal weight for at least 6-12 months before surgery. Most surgeons recommend that the patients be between 10 and 15 pounds from their goal weight.

    You must consider these two factors before opting for a tummy tuck. For more information on a tummy tuck in Ahmedabad, you may contact The Aesthetica.

    You may have heard of the tummy tuck procedure, but do you know there are multiple types of tummy tuck procedures? Tummy tuck refers to abdominoplasty, which removes excess fat from your abdominal region. As a result, it provides you with a firm and flat belly and a tighter waistline. Moreover, it also sculpts and tightens the abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck is an effective procedure, but it is not a substitute for weight loss. Moreover, the procedure does not follow a “one size fits all” approach. As a result, it is not suited for everyone requiring an improvement in the abdominal contour. There are different types of tummy tuck procedures. Each procedure addresses various abdomen issues and gives you the desired abdominal contour. But how would you know which tummy tuck procedure is correct for you? The answer depends on your desired goal and the starting point of your existing anatomy. For better results, you may undergo the procedure at The Aesthetica. In addition to provisioning all the information you need to undergo a tummy tuck in Ahmedabad, we also offer all information needed to recover.

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