There are various options available for laser skin resurfacing, such as carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, erbium lasers, and fractionated carbon dioxide resurfacing. In CO2 laser resurfacing and erbium lasers, a uniform injury is created throughout the skin. Whereas in fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing, various holes are drilled deep into the skin, keeping the surrounding skin intact.
CO2 laser resurfacing
This type of laser resurfacing technique is used to treat benign and malignant. The advanced CO2 laser resurfacing procedure uses ultra pulsed light energy (very short pulse) or light beam to remove the thin layer of skin. Concise pulse light exposes the skin and its surroundings to minimise heat damage. It takes around two weeks for the recovery after CO2 laser resurfacing.
Apart from benign and malignant, this procedure also treats other skin conditions, such as wrinkles, scars, birthmarks, rhinophyma and many more.
Erbium laser resurfacing
Erbium laser resurfacing treats deep lines and wrinkles on the face. Moreover, it is also used on the hands, neck and even on the chest. Local anaesthesia is required before the procedure.
Erbium laser resurfacing is prefered quite often for CO2 laser resurfacing because of various reasons. Firstly, the erbium laser causes minor damage to the skin and hence recovery time is also short by about one week. Above all, its side effects are less than CO2 resurfacing, which can lead to redness, swelling and bruising.
Fractional laser resurfacing
In fractional laser resurfacing, narrow holes are drilled deep in the skin to deliver the laser beam. When the collagen between laser holes contracts, the skin starts tightening. It causes minor damage to the skin, but as the laser is penetrated deep into the skin, there is a risk of intricate healing and scarring. It takes around one week to recover.
If you have skin disorder symptoms, then skin laser treatment in Ahmedabad is the best option. Dr Ashit Shah is one of the best skin specialists in Ahmedabad and will evaluate your medical history and skin type to provide the desired results.